SRA Annual Report & Business Plan: tips for compliance in 2024

SRA Annual Report & Business Plan: tips for compliance in 2024
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  • 47m
  • All Levels
  • Released 28th Mar 2024
  • Trevor Hellawell
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Session 2 in a suite of regulatory updates for 2024 the session will focus on a review of the SRA’s aims and objectives for 2024 as revealed in their recent Business Plan. It will focus on up-to-date revisions to the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regime, SLAPP litigation, NDAs, continuing competence, ESG issues and the increasing use of AI. It will also offer some thoughts on the SRA’s recent enforcement activity.

Learning Objectives:

  • What the SRA is focussing on over the next 9 months
  • What we can glean from its recent enforcement activity
  • What steps we need to implement to stay compliant
  • Other points to watch


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Trevor Hellawell

CEO • ExL Practice Development

Trevor Hellawell is a solicitor and legal training and management consultant working with major law firms, local law societies, many legal training providers and other clients. Until going freelance in 1999 he was a full time lecturer with the University of Law, ending his career as a Principal Lecturer at the York Branch. Until recently returning to the freelance arena, he was Head of Law Programmes at BPP.

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