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AI – Legal Sector usage and threats
Debra Cairns
Modernising Your Law Firm: Embracing technology for success
Oliver Tromp
Cyber criminals are waging psychological warfare to target your business
LawY vs ChatGPT: Discover AI for your legal needs
Get instant answers from your Matter with Matter AI within LEAP
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What is Actionstep?
How conveyancers can identify gaps exposing them to risk in the conveyancing process
Introduction to value pricing
Shaun Jardine
tm:tv Panel Debate: What has the last year taught us?
eCOS: Electronic Client Onboarding Solution from InfoTrack
Introducing the agile law firm
Chris Bull
Cyber Threats for the Legal Sector in 2024
Cyber trends for 2024 and beyond
Humans – the weakest link in Cybersecurity
Five infamous Cyber Attacks and What We Can Learn From Them
John Hay
Cyber Resilience – Immediate Recommended Actions
Evolution of Ransomware
Cyber Security - Passwords
Cyber Security and Personal Injury
Cyber security and protecting your conveyancing transactions
Cyber security and the affect on Private Clients
Introduction to Cyber Security & Cyber Risk
Cyber Security and the impact on insuring your law firm
In conversation with David Gilmore: How to ensure a proactive compliance culture within your firm to mitigate risk
Amy Bruce
Shaun Jardine’s best practices for implementing a pricing strategy that reflects value for your firm, lawyers, and clients
In conversation with Ian Hopkins: How to build an effective leadership teams within your law firm
Improving your cashflow and competitive advantage: Four priorities from legal expert Simon McCrum
How modern law firms can mitigate risk and stay compliant with legal tech
How modern law firms can build an agile, digital-first culture
Pricing models: Their role in helping modern law firms build a client-focused brand
Becoming data-driven: How modern law firms can continuously improve with real-time data
Strategic priorities for SME law firms: How to stay competitive and improve long-term success
Marketing fundamentals for SMEs: How modern law firms can improve brand recognition to win more clients
A culture of innovation: How modern law firm can remain competitive by fostering a culture of creativity and innovation
Think 'digital-first': How modern law firms can remain competitive with a digital operational strategy
Be client-focused - How modern law firms can manage client communications and expectations
Continuous Improvement: How modern law firms can optimise their operations to improve long-term success
Empower employees: How modern law firms can attract and retain talent