The latest CPD updates and training in Business Law, including Employment and Insolvency.
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How to Win Employment Tribunals – Strategies for Success
Alastair Hodge
How a Judge Approaches a Detailed Assessment Hearing
Rupert Cohen
Free speech at work
Dr Anna Loutfi
Debt Recovery for Business - advising clients and how to run a business effectively
Stephen Allinson
Effective Cross Examination
The Essentials of Argument Advocacy
Data Protection, Privacy and Employment
Melissa Stock
An Introduction to Data Protection Litigation
An Introduction to Employment Tribunal Proceedings
Introduction to Unfair Dismissal
Simon McCrossan
Discerning disability discrimination claims
Getting to grips with constructive dismissal
Workplace harassment
Whistleblowing - the basics of the law
Insolvency Issues for the Property Lawyer
Insolvency Issues For The Commercial Practitioner
Topical Issues from the Insolvency Sector
Insolvency Warning Signs - Being prepared
Orders for Sale - everything you need to know
Krystene Bousfield
Statutory demands & the implications of CIGA
Charging Orders - Refresher Session
Freezing Orders - A Practical Guide
Recent development in applications for interim relief against public bodies
Louis Browne KC
The Online Safety Bill
Once More Unto The (Data) Breach
Steve Kuncewicz
Charities: Serious Incident Reporting
Claris D’cruz
Whistleblowing - Practicalities and Pitfalls
Cyber Security - Passwords
Debra Cairns